ponad 2 lat temu
Where do you mostly prefer to buy diapers? Obviously we have regular shops and online markets, but did you ever mind about secondary market? I am going to share with you a piece of my experience. The biggest part of diapers I ever used were bought on the secondary market. This strategy has its perks. They are anonymity, economy and volunteerism. Let me explain) There is an "olx" in Poland and it is the same site as "kufar" in Belarus. You can choose to intresting offer, then call the owner and then buy a diaper pack for example. It is anonymity course you rather will never meet this person in your life. It is economy course you can choose opened or damaged pack not for sailing at regular shops. And in the end it is volunteerism course you help people get rid of things they do not use anymore. The diaper stash from the photo was bought at one day from 3 secondary market sources and it had a total cost near 15$. Repeat the question from the beginning) Which markets do you use? Don't be shy and share you experience
#foto #story #pomoc #experience #diapers #lifehack
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    Gucioo4500 ponad 2 lat temu
    Piękny zestaw pozazdrościć
    eroscillator ponad 2 lat temu
    Ale zestaw hehe
    Nie wiem czy to przypadek, ale często się spotykam z tym, że osoby ddlg/abdl, miały w przeszłości problem z jedzeniem, czy czytając jakieś opowiadania internetowe, czy to pisząc indywidualnie z kimś (Choć tylko z dziewczynami z naszego środowi...Heja jak wam mija dzień bo mi wspaniale pada u was śnieg ? #snieg 😊Dobrego wieczorku wszystkim życzę😊 #abdl #witamsie #fotoKtoś może chcesz dziś wieczorem pogadać :3? Malutki kotek w pieluszce z chęcią by z kimś spędził wieczór :3 hihi #rozmowa #kotek #pieluszki #abdl #dl #ab Jak tam u was bobasy ? Pieluszki mokre? #moczenie