ponad 2 lat temu
I want to share by my earliest memory about diapers. I was a 3y.o. toddler and of course i was wearing baby diapers. I have a sister, she is 3 minutes older than me, we lived together in our childhood. As i remember we had diapers changes every evening, our mom and grandma changed us. And in one day sis was changed earlier than me, I remember my mother laid me on the bed and put off a diaper, then we went to the bathroom and after cleaning I noticed sister's pissed diaper near the garbage bin. I remember those feelings when I stopped in front of the diaper and watched it very carefully, it was so interesting and exiting. My mother said me move on and we went to my room to finish diaper changing. There were motions I newer felt before, it was something principal new, but i liked it very much #story #memory #childhood #revelation #foto
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    Marek   ponad 2 lat temu
    Very interesting beginning 😃 My story with diapers started with sanitary pads When I had eight years old I borrowed pads from my older sister when she had a period Of course she didn know about it Today I have a big sentimental to sanitary pads because once I though it was small diapers and I still like wearing them
    Hejo! Mam pytanie co byście poradzili nowej osobie która dopiero się rozeznaje? Może macie jakieś ciekawe historie z początków? Chętnie poczytam :) #początek #pytaniaSzukam maluszka który ma bardzo długo Tatusia, mam parę pytanek. #szukam Jak u was wieczór? Jeszcze zmiana pieluszki i do spanka #fotoCześć wszystkim! :D mamy dla Was kilka nowości w funkcjonowaniu serwisu. Chcielibyśmy przypomnieć również, że serwis ABDL.pl można wesprzeć pieniężnie na stronie https://pomagam.pl/abdlpl2 A więc teraz do sedna... 1. Osiągnięcia Jak ju�...Jedno serduszko pod tym wpisem i wszystko co miałam dziś do roboty przekładam na jutro #serduszka