ponad 2 lat temu
Ask and you will be given) I have a sister, she knows about my fetish. I have told her about it 2+ years ago and i like her very much! We hadn't got Seni Quatro in Belarus course ABDL-community was small and weak. But my sister went to Poland to work before me. And at the las time she visited Belarus before my relocation to Wroclaw she brought me 2 packs of Seni Quatro. I asked her to buy it for me and she just answered "Ok, no problems, how much do you need?"... It was great pleasure to hear it and then receive the highest absorbency Seni diapers. By the way i am still using it
#foto #seni #pomoc
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    Marek ponad 2 lat temu
    @Tttoootttiii Super Seni Quatro are my favorite diapers :)
    I envy such understanding sister :)
    Tttoootttiii ponad 2 lat temu
    @Marek yes they are awesome!
    SunflowerDL ponad 2 lat temu
    Nice story! I have the same diapers at home for my wife 🙂
    Tttoootttiii ponad 2 lat temu
    @SunflowerDL you are lucky man!)

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